Not Big Just Clever - The Puppy Course
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It's time to stop wishing you had a well behaved puppy…
We'll help you raise your puppy and show you how to help him grow into the dog that you'll be proud of for years to come.


Not Big, Just Clever

Inside the Not Big, Just Clever puppy course, you'll get everything you need to raise your puppy without all the drama, so that you can have a well behaved dog for years to come

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We're sharing what we know from our experience in training thousands of dogs just like yours.....

Tell me if this sounds like you.....

You want your puppy to just stop biting you!
You have too much advice coming at you from all angles on what you should do, but no clear proven methods
You're done with trying to DIY it with YouTube videos and advice from colleagues and friends
You wish there was an easy way to train your puppy and get the results you need, simply and quickly and best of all, without costing the earth

Good News!

We help clients with those same problems every day.

And if you're like any of them, you've probably made some of the same mistakes too.

Mistakes like....

He's only misbehaving because he's a baby puppy, I can teach him how to behave himself later.

Ding Ding Ding!
Alarm bells are ringing!

People who set off in their life with their new puppy using this mindset are doomed to failure.

Your puppy doesn't know you're going to move the goalposts later!  He doesn't know that you've decided to let him off with all these things because he's tiny!

He's just learning everything you show him.  All the interactions you have with your puppy are learning opportunities for him so that's exactly what he's doing.  Taking everything you show him as the standard.  So think about what standards you're setting!

Inside The Not Big, Just Clever puppy course, we teach our students how to Prevent Predicaments later in life and also how to Unleash Puppy Potential to create the dog of their dreams.

I've been to puppy classes and it didn't help us


Of course you have.  Most of our clients have.

The good news?

This course doesn't rely on obedience to raise your puppy the right way.

Obedience isn't everything.  It's just PART of the picture, and it's a small part.

You see, we don't teach puppy obedience classes.  Not because we can't.  Because we WON'T.

We teach YOU how to be EVERYTHING to your dog.

You are the only owner your puppy has.  You should be the centre of his world, just as he is the most beloved doglet in your life.

P.S. Inside The Not Big, Just Clever course, we help our students transcend standard obedience and instead they'll create harmony through relationship and engagement using our Picture of Perfect.

I've had dogs before, I don't need a puppy course.

Sure, you might have raised dogs before but were you 100% happy with what you got?  Did you have a perfect relationship?  Did you work in complete harmony where every time you spoke your dog listened attentively?

Not many people do.

Most people end up accepting their dog's behaviour rather than trying to help their dog become their best doggy self!

Inside The Not Big, Just Clever Course Club we will be with you every step of the way, answering any and all of your questions and holding regular coaching calls to keep you on track to success.


There was a way to teach your puppy everything he needed to know in a few months.

You could finally have a puppy that listened to you and kept misbehaving to a minimum.

You could actually look forward to spending time with your puppy as an enjoyable part of your family.

All of that is possible inside

The Not Big, Just Clever puppy course

Join Today!


Today only…

When you join the Not Big Just Clever Course before the end of the day today, you'll also get access to "First Visits To The Vet", an exclusive look at a live first visit to our vet (during Covid lockdown rules!) for a 9 week old puppy.

Footage includes what the vet will do when meeting the dog, how the dog will be examined, how you should handle your dog and our top tips on how to make sure that your vet will love your dog !

Who is this right for?

First Time Dog Owners

Owning a dog for the first time is the most exciting time and can bring incredible joy....but it can also bring indescribable frustration when your dog won't stop biting you or peeing the floor.

With The Perfect Puppy Roadmap inside The Not Big, Just Clever Course, we'll give you everything you need to make all of these challenges a thing of the past and bring that joy back into puppy ownership.

New Puppy Owners

Every dog is different, and every dog approaches life differently. Maybe your first puppy was a breeze and didn't have accidents in the house or chew the furniture from day one, (or maybe you just forgot how much hard work puppies are!) but just because your new puppy isn't as compliant doesn't mean it has to stay that way!

If you're a second (or third or fourth)-time dog owner strrugling to get your puppy trained and socialised, you need a proven plan to make it happen (hint: that's exactly what you'll find inside The Not Big, Just Clever Puppy Course).

Dog Sector Professionals

Other dog professionals like dog walkers, vets or groomers can have an important impact on a puppy's development, too!

Even if you're not the dog owner, you can still implement many aspects of this system to maintain consistency in the puppy's behaviour and to help your clients succeed with their own puppies.

This course is especially valuable when everyone who cares for the puppy are on the same page and watch and implement the course content.

Basically, this is for you if…

You want to learn how to teach your puppy to be the perfect family dog

...You know you need to train your puppy but don't know where to get started

...You've started but you're overwhelmed by all the conflicting advice you're getting from people around you

...You've started trying to train but you're struggling to understand how to give puppy all the life skills he/she needs

....You want an easy, straightforward system to raise your puppy the right way and create the perfect family dog in your first year.

On the flip side, this is NOT for you if…

You're looking for a magic bullet!

...You prefer to listen to friends and family or 'ask the audience' in internet groups rather than get real, actionable strategy from experts.

...You're not interested in developing and training your puppy.

...You like to wait until your dog has a problem you can't solve before calling a dog trainer.

Praise for Our Other Online Courses

So.....Who Are We?

We're Julie West and Paul Flanagan

We're professional dog trainers and competitors who work with owners to help them resolve challenging behaviour and develop positive lasting relationships with their dogs, so that they can go anywhere together and live life to the max!

Paul is from County Cavan in Ireland although he grew up in North London, so his accent is deceiving!  Julie is from Glasgow in Scotland, and sounds like she left there yesterday although she's lived and worked throughout the UK.

Between us we have four dogs and an unhealthy obsession with waterproof clothing and dog training equipment!

But perhaps more relevant to you, Paul is a 9 time competitor at the German Shepherd World Championships, Julie has competed all over the UK and Europe and we have developed highly successful businesses where we help dog owners achieve rapid and effective behaviour transformations with their own dogs.

Why We Created This....

We wanted to package up what we've learned and share it with more people.

We chose to create this course because we wanted to help people develop their puppies in a way that prevented and avoided all the problems Paul faced back then and which other people still struggle with today.

We don't want you to have to figure it out on your own the way he had to.

We also firmly believe that having a well mannered obedient dog shouldn't be just for dog trainers or experts, it should be for every family and every family pet.

We knew we wanted to give all puppy owners the information they need to make that the reality for their family.

Praise for Liberty K9 Training

You do an amazing job, we don't know where we would have been without you.  He's a totally transformed dog but still with his good temperament/confidence.

I will never forget Julie’s training; I am so very happy with the outcome.
She literally transformed our lives to a point I am 100% in control and enjoy our walks.

I can't thank you enough, it's like a huge weight has been lifted.
Lots of successful walks with no issues whatsoever, even people walking past saying 'what a lovely dog!' (can you believe it!)

I've been training with Paul and couldn't recommend him highly enough.  Within a few sessions he has you and your dog working in harmony.  Top trainer! 

Inside the Not Big, Just Clever Puppy Course, we'll share:

Module 1: The Parenting Plan

We begin here at the very beginning and cover all the things you need to know if you've never owned a dog in your life before, including what your legal responsibilities are and all the admin you should get in place ready for puppy coming home. 

Module 2: Staying Alive

In this module we're covering all the aspects of every day life - to stay alive!  We'll walk you through food choices and how to feed, toilet training, exercise and socialisation.  We'll also cover some of the thornier subjects like neutering and seasons and discuss what to do when your pup becomes super spooky in a fear period.  We've got a solid strategy to get you through all of these aspects of daily life.

Module 3: Puppy Provisions

Everyone wants to buy their puppy all the pretty collars and leads, but as you'll have seen in the pet shop, there's a huge range of equipment that you could spend your money on.

We'll cover all the things you need from clickers to knickers and everything in between!

Module 4: Soaking The Sponge

Puppy brains are like little sponges, ready to soak up all the information that comes their way.

In this module, we talk about HOW to soak that sponge to make sure that what's being absorbed is all the very best info that you want puppy to learn.  We'll show you using video tutorials which equipment, techniques and pre-requisites you need to have in place to help puppy learn the most effective way possible.

Module 5: Preventing Predicaments

You can be sure that an active busy puppy will get up to no good on the regular!

In this module we go through all of the common problems including puppy biting, jumping up, barking at other dogs or people, counter surfing, stealing objects, demand barking and we provide you with a strategy to tackle each of these.

More importantly, we tell you how to prevent ANY predicament!

Module 6: Unleashing Puppy Potential

Of course every puppy needs some basic obedience skills.  The sort you'd learn in puppy classes except we're breaking it down and showing you how this works in REAL TIME with actual puppies at various ages and stages of development.

We'll cover Sit, Down, Place, Recall, Loose Lead Walking, How to Greet Other Dogs, How to Greet People, The Leave It command and more!

Join Today!


But WAIT!  There's more!  You'll also get....

The Not Big Just Clever Course Club (£2500)
A support group where you can get regular help from us as you progress through the course

The Persuasion Protocol (£400)
Our proprietary method of leash communication making training a breeze 

The Reliability Rule (£100)
The technique you need to make sure your dog will do as you ask first time, every time

Being Believable (£100)
The strategy you need to use to help your puppy to understand that he can rely on what you say 

Today only…

When you join the Not Big Just Clever Course before the end of the day today, you'll also get access to "First Visits To The Vet", an exclusive look at a live first visit to our vet (during Covid lockdown rules!) for a 9 week old puppy.

Footage includes what the vet will do when meeting the dog, how the dog will be examined, how you should handle your dog and our top tips on how to make sure that your vet will love your dog !

A total value of £6000

Get started today for just 



Got Questions?  I've Got Answers!

Will I get help directly from Paul and Julie?  Is there coaching or a community where I'll get support as I work through the program and train my puppy?

Yes!  As you work through the course and start to raise your puppy using the processes and strategies inside Not Big, Just Clever - you'll get help directly from us inside our students' only support group.

Inside the group you'll receive support from us answering questions daily, giving feedback, viewing videos of your work and troubleshooting for you.

We're not your average dog trainers and this isn't your average dog training course.  We're right here with you.

What if I’m already too busy to take a course?!

We’re all super busy trying to fit everything in but your puppy is growing FAST!  You don't get this time over again and the things you teach him now will become habits he will form for a lifetime.  It's important that you teach him all the RIGHT things NOW!

But, this course isn’t designed to take a long time to implement.  The videos are short and the guidance is simple.  We’ve put this together with busy families in mind so that you can take the learning and hit the road with your dog.

If you've got questions along the way you can ask in our community and we'll be happy to help you out.

When does the Not Big, Just Clever course start? How long do I have access?  And how much time will I need to go through this? 

When you join the Not Big, Just clever puppy course, you'll get lifetime access to the course material, so you can start whenever you like, whether that's today, tomorrow or next week.  The course is self paced so you can go as fast or as slow as you prefer, though most of our students work through about an hour each day until they've viewed all the modules and then implement these steps in their daily life with their puppy.

Above all, you can go back and refer to lessons as many times as you like and if you have questions or struggle., we're right there with you in our support group to make sure you get all the answers you need.

As soon as you sign up everything will be delivered straight to your inbox within about 15 minutes.

So you can start today!

I’m not that techie and I’ve never done an online course.  Will I be able to do this?

Definitely.  If you can read this page, you can access this course.  We’ve laid the workshop out in simple to use videos and downloadable guides so that you can watch and watch again if you need to.

Also, don’t worry about what equipment you do or don’t need for this. We've got super simple options for everything!

Can I buy this, try this, then ask for a refund?

Due to the digital nature of our course we do not offer refunds.

But you don’t have to take a leap of faith! Check out the testimonials for our programs and methods here on our website.

Will I learn how to train my dog for competitive sport in this course, like Paul and Julie do?

Yes and No.  Many of the foundation aspects and social techniques within this course are the same for raising a sport puppy and are used by Paul and Julie when they raise their own puppies.  However, the training techniques are slightly different and the level of accuracy required is much higher, so the training of any of these exercises for a sport puppy takes much much longer.

How do I join The Not Big, Just Clever Puppy Course and start transforming my dog?

It’s super simple!

Click here to enroll in the Not Big, Just Clever puppy course today!

We’ve distilled decades of experience with thousands of dogs into this one workshop!

If you've read this far.....
You have two options:

Continue to spend more time and energy trying to figure it out on your own

Or, finally have a proven roadmap for raising your puppy the right way so you can finally relax and enjoy him develop into the dog of your dreams. 

Imagine where you could be just a month or two from now:

You're ready to teach your puppy to be the angel you know he can be, all the time.

You're ready to stop feeling like you're always scolding your puppy.

You're ready to have a puppy that everyone admires for his good behaviour using a proven method.

You're ready for a way to make it happen with less fuss and frustration and more FUN!

You're ready for someone who will tell it to you straight and get you on track for success.

You're ready for the Not Big, Just Clever puppy course!
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